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Перегудов С. П. Тэтчер и тэтчеризм. М., 1996.

Попов В. И. Маргарет Тэтчер. Человек и политик. М., 1991.

Beckett С. Margaret Thatcher. London, 2006.

Campbell J. Margaret Thatcher. Vol. 1–2. London, 2000.

Evans E. Thatcher and Thatcherism. London, 2004.

Erickson C. Lilibet: An Intimate Portrait of Elizabeth II. London, 2005.

Foley M. John Major, Tony Blair and a Conflict of Leadership: Collision Course. Manchester, 2002.

Jenkins P. Mrs. Thatcher’s Revolution: Ending of the Socialist Era. London, 1987.

Kavanagh D. The Reordering of British Politics: Politics after Thatcher. London, 1997.

Lacey R. Monarch: The Life and Reign of Elizabeth II. N. Y., 1987.

Letwin S. R. The Anatomy of Thatcherism. London, 1992.

Reitan E. A. The Thatcher Revolution: Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, and the Transformation of Modem Britain, 1979–2001. London, 2003.

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Seward I. The Queen and Di: The Untold Story. London, 2001.

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