Рекомендуемая литература[85]

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Рекомендуемая литература[85]

Appleton, Sue. Was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Poisoned by Ronald Reagan’s America?

The Rebel Publishing House. 1986.

Appleton, Sue. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. The Most Dangerous Man Since Jesus Christ. The Rebel Publishing House. 1987.

Braun, Kirk. Rajneeshpuram. The Unwelcome Society. Scout Creek Press. 1987.

Forman, Juliet. Bhagwan: The Buddha For The Future. The Rebel Publishing House. 1989.

Forman, Juliet. Bhagwan: Twelve Days That Shook The World. The Rebel Publishing House. 1989.

Jyoti, Ma Dharm. One Hundred Tales from Ten Thousand Buddhas. Diamond Pocket Books. 1988.

Meredith, George (Dr.) Bhagwan: The Most Godless Yet The Most Godly Man. The Rebel Publishing House. 1988.

Muiphy, Dell. The Rajneesh Story: The Bhagwan’s Garden. Linwood Press. 1993.

Shay, Ted. Rajneeshpuram and the Abuse of Power. Scout Creek Press. 1985.

Shunyo, Ma Prem. My Diamond Days With Osho. The New Diamond Sutra. Full Circle Publishing Ltd. Publishing House. 2000.

Thompson, Judith and Paul Heelas. The Way of the Heart: The Rajneesh Movement. Aquarian Press. 1986.