Вторичные источники на английском языке

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Вторичные источники на английском языке

Aciman, Andr?. The Proust Project. N.Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.

Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of Love. N.Y.: Random House, 1994.

Adler, Laure. Marguerite Duras: A Life. Перевод: Anne-Marie Glasheen. London: Victor Gollancz, 1998.

Amt, Emilie. Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe. A Sourcebook. N.Y., London: Routledge, 1993.

Armstrong, John. Conditions of Love: The Philosophy of Intimacy. N.Y., London: Norton, 2002.

Barthes, Roland. On Racine. Перевод: Richard Howard. N.Y.: Hill and Wang, 1964.

Benstock, Shari. Women of the Left Bank. Paris, 1900–1940. Osten: University of Texas Press, 1986.

Bloch, Howard. Medieval misogyny and the invention of Western romantic love. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991.

Br?e, Germaine. Gide. N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963.

Brooke, Christopher. The Twelft h Century Renaissance. London: Th ames and Hudson, 1969.

Campbell, John. Questions of Interpretation in ”The Princess of Cleves”. Amsterdam. Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B. V., 1996.

Carter, William C. Marcel Proust. A Life. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2000.

Carter, William C. Proust in Love. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2006.

Chalon, Jean. Portrait of a Seductress: The World of Natalie Barney. Перевод: Carol Barko. N.Y.: Crown, 1979.

De Courtivron, Isabelle. Violette Leduc. Boston: Twayne’s Publishers, 1985.

Delay, Jean. The Youth of Andr? Gide. Перевод и сокращение: June Guicharnaud. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1963.

Dickenson, Donna. George Sand. A Brave Man – The Most Womanly Woman: Oxford, N.Y.: Гамбург, Berg, 1988.

Dock, Terry Smiley. Woman in the Encyclop?die. A Compendium. Potomac: Studia humanitatis, 1983.

Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present. N.Y.: Morrow, 1981.

Fryer, Jonathan. Andr? & Oscar: Gide, Wilde, and the Gay Art of Living. London: Constable, 1997.

Fuchs, Jeanne Th omas. The Pursuit of Virtue: A Stud y of Order in La Nouvelle H?lo?se. N.Y.: Peter Lang, 1993.

Galvez, Marisa. Songbook. How Lyrics Became Poetry in Medieval Europe.

Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press, находится в производстве.

Giff ord, Paul. Love, Desire and Transcendence in French Literature: Deciphering Eros. Олдершот, Гэмпшир и Берлингтон, Вермонт: Ashgate Publishing, 2005.

Girard, Ren?. Deceit, Desire, and the Novel. Перевод: Yvonne Freccero. Baltimor: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1965.

Glente, Karen, and Winther-Jensen, Lise. Female Power in the Middle Ages. Копенгаген: St. Gertrud Symposium, 1986.

Guerard, Albert. Andr? Gide. Кембридж: Harvard University Press, 1951.

Herold, J. Christopher. Mistress to an Age. A Life of Madame de Sta?l. Индианаполис, N.Y.: Charter Books, 1958.

Hill, Leslie. Marguerite Duras. Apocalyptic Desire. London, N.Y.: Routledge, 1993.

Latimer, Tirza True. Women Together / Women Apart. Portraits of Lesbian Paris. N.J., London: Rutgers University Press, 2005.

Lucey, Michael. Never Say I. Sexuality and the First Person in Colette, Gide, and Proust. London: Duke University Press, 2006.

Martin, Joseph. Napoleonic Friendship: Military Fraternity, Intimacy & Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century France. New Hampshire: University of New Hampshire Press, 2011.

Merrick, Jeff rey, and Ragan, Jr., Bryant. Homosexuality in Modern France, N.Y., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Meyers, Jeff rey. Homosexuality and Literature, 1890–1930. Monreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1977.

Moore, John C. Love in Twelft h-Century France. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.

Nehring, Cristina. A Vindication of Love: Reclaiming Romance for the Twenty-fi rst Century. N.Y.: HarperCollins, 2009.

Owen, D. D. R. Noble Lovers. N.Y.: New York University Press, 1975.

Porter, Laurence M., and Gray, Eugene F. Approaches to Teaching Flaubert’s “Madame Bovary”. N.Y.: The Modern Language Association of America, 1995.

Roberts, Mary Louise. Civilization without Sexes. Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France, 1917–1927. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Disruptive Acts. The New Woman in Fin-de-Si?cle France. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

Rougemont, Denis de. Love in the Western World. N.Y.: Pantheon, 1956.

Rowley, Hazel. T?te-?-T?te. The Tumultuous Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir & Jean-Paul Sartre. N.Y.: HarperCollins, 2005.

Sarde, Mich?le. Colette. Free and Fettered. Translated by Richard Miller. N.Y.: William Morrow, 1980.

Seymour-Jones, Carole. A Dangerous Liaison. A Revelatory New Biography of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. N.Y.: The Overlook Press, Peter Myer Publishers, 2009.

Shattuck, Roger. The Banquet Years: the Origins of the Avant-Garde in France, 1885 to World War I. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace, 1955.

Skinner, Cornelia Otis. Elegant Wits and Grand Horizontals. Boston: Houghton Miffl in, 1962.

Stendhal, Renate. Getrude Stein in Words and Pictures. Чейпел Хилл, штат Северная Каролина: Algonqiun Books of Chapel Hill, 1994.

Stambolian, George, and Marks, Elaine. Homosexualities and French Literature: Cultural Contexts, Critical Texts. Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1979.

Thurman, Judith. Secrets of the Flesh. A Life of Colette. N.Y.: Knopf, 1999.

Vircondelet, Alain. Duras: A Biography. Перевод: Th omas Buckley. Нормал, штат Иллинойс: Dalkey Archive Press, 1994.

Wenzel, H?l?ne Vivienne. Simone de Beauvoir: Witness to a Century // Yale French Studies, 1987. № 72, ноябрь.

Wickes, George. The Amazon of Letters: The Life and Loves of Natalie Barney. N.Y.: Putnam’s, 1976.

Yalom, Marilyn. Birth of the Chess Queen. N.Y.: HarperCollins, 2004.

A History of the Breast. N.Y.: Knopf, 1997.

A History of the Wife. N.Y.: Harper Collins, 2001.

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