Литература на иностранных языках

Литература на иностранных языках

Victor Alexandrow. Das Leben des Nikita Chrutschow. M?nchen. 1958.

Carr Edward Hallett. The Interregnum 1923 – 1924. L. 1954.

E.H. Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. V. 1. L. 1958.

Robert Conquest. Stalin. Breaker of Nations. Wienfeld – London. 1991.

Robert Conquest. Stalin and the Kirov murder. London. 1989.

Robert Vincent Daniels. The conscience of the revolution. Communist opposition in Soviet Russia. Cambridge. 1960.

Daniels R.V. Is Russia reformable?: Change & resistance from Stalin to Gorbachev. 1988.

J. Arch Getty. Origins of the great purges. The Soviet Communist Party reconsidered. 1933 – 1938. Cambridge. 1985.

Ives Delbars. The Real Stalin. L. 1953.

Isaac Deutscher. Stalin. L. 1966.

Ian Grey. Stalin. Man of History. Abacus. Great Britain. 1982.

H. Montgomery Hyde. Stalin. A History of a Dictator. L. 1971.

Ronald Hingley. Joseph Stalin: Man and Legend. N.Y. 1974.

Alex de Jonge. Stalin and the shaping of the Soviet Union. Glasgow. 1987.

George f. Kennan. Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin. Boston – Toronto. 1961.

Isaac Don Levine. Stalin. N.Y. 1931.

Robert H. Mc Neal. Stalin. Man and Ruler. L. 1988.

Robert Payne. The Rise and Fall of Stalin. L. 1968.

Albert Seaton. Stalin as Military Commander. N.Y. 1976.

Boris Souvarine. Stalin: A Critical Survery of Bolshevism. Alliance Book Corp. Longman, Green and Co. 1939.

Adam B. Ulam. Stalin. The man and his era. N.Y. 1973.

Yaroslavsky E. Landmarks in the Life of Stalin. M. 1940.

Reswick William. I dream revolution. Chicago. 1952.

Thaddeus Wittlin. Commissar. The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. N.Y. – L. 1972.

Zhou Enlai. Selected Works. Vol. II. Beijing. 1989.