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С. 104 Adam Rountree/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Fotobank.ru

С. 105 Kirsty Wigglesworth/WPA Pool/ Getty Images/Fotobank.ru

С. 109 Craig Ruttle/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Fotobank.ru

С. 111 WallyMcNamee/Corbis/F otosa.ru С. 112 Jodi Hilton/Getty Images/ Fotobank.ru С. 117 Jonathan Alcorn/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Fotobank.ru С. 118 Alex Wong/Getty Images/ Fotobank.ru С. 120 Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Fotobank.ru

С. 124 1. Michael Buckner/Getty Images/Fotobank.ru 2. Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Fotobank.ru

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