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Несмотря на то что литературы о ранней истории книгопечатания достаточно много, полной современной биографии Гутенберга нет. Лучшая работа – перевод Капра Дугласом Мартином. Вероятно, лучшая биография в настоящее время – труд Бехтеля.

Февр и Мартин лучше всех изложили историю распространения книгопечатания после Гутенберга. Элизабет Эйзенштейн прекрасно описала его влияние на развитие культуры. Наиболее успешная краткая работа о Гутенберге – книга, изданная городскими властями Майнца в 2000 году в честь празднования нового тысячелетия, которое совпало с 600-й годовщиной со дня рождения Гутенберга. Джанет Инг и Мартин Дэвис написали авторитетные краткие работы о Гутенберге и Библии. Все эти труды, кроме английской версии Февра и Мартина, содержат прекрасные биографии.

Ниже приведены источники, использованные в работе над данной книгой.

1. Aguera y Arcas Blaise. Temporary Matrices and Elemental Punches in Gutenberg’s DK Type // Incunabula and their Readers (ed. Kristian Jensen). The British Library, London, 2003.

2. American Cusanus Society Newsletter, Long Island University. Brookville, NY.

3. Bechtel Guy. Gutenberg et l’invention de l’imprimerie. Paris, 1992.

4. Bett Henry. Nicholas of Cusa. London, 1932.

5. Blake Norman. Caxton: England’s First Publisher. London, 1976.

6. Blum Rudolf. Der Prozess Fust gegen Gutenberg. Wiesbaden, 1954 (useful for the Middle High German text).

7. Bockenheimer K. G. Gutenberg-Feier in Mainz 1900: Festschrift. Mainz, 1900.

8. Carter Harry. A View of Early Typography Up to About 1600. Oxford, 1969.

9. Chappell Warren and Robert Bringhurst. A Short History of the Printed Word. Vancouver, 1970, 1999.

10. Christianson Gerald and Thomas Izbicki (eds.). Nicholas of Cusa in Search of God and Wisdom: Essays in honour of Morimichi Watanabe by the American Cusanus Society, Leiden and New York, 1991.

11. Colonna Francesco. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Translated by Joscelyn Godwin. London, 1999.

12. Cooper Denis. The Art and Craft of Coinmaking. London, 1988.

13. Daniell David. William Tyndale: A Biography. New Haven and London, 1994.

14. Davies Martin. Aldus Manutius: Printer and Publisher of Re naissance Venice. London, 1995.

15. Davies Martin. The Gutenberg Bible. London, 1996.

16. Du Boulay, F. R. H. Germany in the Later Middle Ages. London, 1983.

17. Duggan Mary Kay. Politics and Text: Bringing the Liturgy to Print. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, Summer 2001 (pre-publication draft).

18. Eisenstein Elizabeth. The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge, 1983 (with many reprints), abridged from her two-volume work, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change.

19. Febvre, Lucian and Henri-Jean Martin. The Coming of the Book. London, 1997 (from the French, L’Apparition du Livre. Paris, 1958).

20. Fu.. ssel Stephan. Johannes Gutenberg. Hamburg, 1999.

21. Geldner Ferdinand. Die Deutschen Inkunabel-Drucker. Stuttgart, 1970.

22. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. Gutenberg Society, Mainz. Vital for up-to-date advances in Gutenberg research.

23. Hellinga Lotte. Caxton in Focus. London, 1982.

24. Hopkins Jasper. A Concise Introduction to the Philosophy of Ni cholas of Cusa. Minneapolis, 1978.

25. Ing Janet. Johann Gutenberg and His Bible. New York, 1988.

26. Kapr Albert. Johann Gutenberg: The Man and His Invention, Aldershot (Hants), 1996. Translated by Douglas Martin. This English translation is one of those books that actually gains in translation. Kapr’s original is Johannes Gutenberg: Persu.. nlichkeit und Leistung, Leipzig, 1986 and Munich, 1987. This incorporates his many contributions to the Gutenberg-Jahrbuch.

27. Lefaivre Liane. Leon Battista Alberti’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: Recognizing the Architectural Body in the Early Italian Renaissance. Cambridge, Mass., 1997.

28. Mainz (City of) Gutenberg: Man of the Millennium. Mainz, 2000. Well– illustrated and expert abridgement in English and German of its massive Exhibition Catalogue (only in German).

29. McCluhan Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy. Toronto, 1966, and often reprinted. (A non-narrative hodge-podge by turns baffling and stimulating.).

30. McMurtrie Douglas. The Gutenberg Documents. Oxford, 1941.

31. Marius Richard. Martin Luther: The Christian Between God and Death. Cambridge, Mass., 1999.

32. Moxon Joseph Mechanick. Exercises in the Whole Art of Printing, ed: Herbert Davies and Harry Carter. Oxford, 1958.

33. Piccolomini Aeneas Silvius (Pius II). The History of Two Lovers, Barnabe Riche Society. Ottawa, 1999. This has updated spelling. For the original spelling, see The Goodli History of the Lady Lucres of Scene and of her Lover Eurialus. Oxford, 1996.

34. Reitzel Adam. Die Renaissance Gutenbergs. Mainz, 1968.

35. Robinson Francis. Islam and the Impact of Print in South Asia in Nigel Crook (ed.), The Transmission of Knowledge in South Asia. Oxford, 1996.

36. Ruppel Aloys. Johannes Gutenberg: Sein Leben und sein Werk, 1939 (and many other important contributions).

37. Schartl Reinhard. Johannes Fust und Johannes Gutenberg in zwei Verfahren vor dem Frankfurter Schu.. ffengericht. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, Mainz, 2001.

38. Scholderer Johann. Gutenberg: The Inventor of Printing. London, 1963.

39. Seidenberger Dr J.B. Die Zunftk8Ampfe in Mainz und der Anteil der Familie Gensfleisch. Mainz, 1900.

40. Sigmund Paul. Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Political Thought. Cambridge, Mass., 1963.

41. Smeijers Fred. Counterpunch. London, 1996.

42. Sohn Pow-Key. Printing in China and Early Korean Printing in Hans Widmann (ed.), Der Gegenw8Artige Stand der Gutenberg-Forschung. Stuttgart, 1972.

43. Sprenger Kai-Michael. “voluminus tamen…” (on Gutenberg’s possible publication of indulgences for Nicholas of Cusa). Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 2000.

44. Tyndale William. The New Testament. London, 2000.

45. Venzke Andreas. Johannes Gutenberg: Der Erfinder des Buchdrucks und seine Zeit. Munich and Zurich, 1993.

46. Watts Pauline Moffitt. Nicolaus Cusanus: A Fifteenth-Century Vision of Man. Leiden, 1982.

47. Wilson Adrian. The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle. Amster dam, 1976.

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