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Семь воинственных королев древности
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Ольга Киевская
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Семейные дела. Инцест в царских семьях
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У Цзэтянь
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Путь Вэй
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Зинга Мбанди Нгола
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Юста Грата Гонория
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Изабелла, прозванная Французской Волчицей
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Екатерина Радзивилл
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Стефани фон Гогенлоэ
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Принцесса, доставшаяся победителю
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София Доротея
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Замужество или сумасшедший дом
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Сара Уиннемакка
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София Долгорукая
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Шесть способов стать мнимой принцессой
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Шарлотта Прусская
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Клара Уорд
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«Долларовые принцессы»
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Глория фон Турн-и-Таксис
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Silva, Horacio. «The Talk: Gloria in Extremis.» T Magazine, Dec 4, 2008.
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Расходы принцесс
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Wilson, Peter H. «Women and Imperial Politics: The W?rttemberg Consorts 1674–1757.» In Queenship in Europe, 1660–1815: The Role of the Consort, ed. Clarissa Campbell Orr, 221–51. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Каролина Брауншвейг-Вольфенбюттельская
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Melville, Lewis [Lewis Saul Benjamin]. An Injured Queen: Caroline of Brunswick. London: Hutchinson, 1912.
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Richardson, Joanna. The Disastrous Marriage: A Study of George IV and Caroline of Brunswick. London: Cape, 1960.
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Полина Бонапарт
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Ortzen, Len. Imperial Venus: The Story of Pauline Bonaparte-Borghese. London: Constable, 1974.
Dempster, Nigel. H.R.H. the Princess Margaret: A Life Unfulfilled. Bath, UK: Chivers Press, 1981.
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Анна Саксонская
Midelfort, H. C. Erik. Mad Princes of Renaissance Germany. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1994.
Wedgwood, C. V. William the Silent, William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, 1533–1584. London: Jonathan Cape, 1944.
Три безумные принцессы и одна, которая, судя по всему, сумасшедшей не была
Aram, Bethany. Juana the Mad: Sovereignty and Dynasty in Renaissance Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Fox, Julia. Sister Queens: The Noble, Tragic Lives of Katherine of Aragon and Juana, Queen of Castile. New York: Ballantine, 2011.
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Midelfort, H. C. Erik. Mad Princes of Renaissance Germany. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1994.
Poeta, Salvatore. «The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World: From Mad Queen to Martyred Saint: The Case of Juana la Loca Revisited in History and Art on the Occasion of the 450th Anniversary of Her Death.» Hispania 90, no. 1 (Mar 2007): 165–72.
Roberts, Jenifer. «Portugal’s Mad Queen.» History Today 57, no. 12 (2007): 32.
Thorne, Tony. Countess Dracula: The Life and Times of the Blood Countess, Elisabeth B?thory. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.
Елизавета Австрийская
Haslip, Joan. The Lonely Empress: A Biography of Elizabeth of Austria. London: Phoenix Press, 2000.
Sinclair, Andrew. Death by Fame: A Life of Elisabeth, Empress of Austria. London: Constable, 1998.
Бойся Черного Карлика
Radziwill, Catherine. The Black Dwarf of Vienna and Other Weird Stories. London: William Rider and Son, 1916.
Шарлотта Бельгийская
Haslip, Joan. Imperial Adventurer: Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1971.
Ibsen, Kristine. Maximilian, Mexico, and the Invention of Empire. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 2010.
Reiss, Ben. «Death by Firing Squad.» History Today 57, no. 1 (2007): 2.
Принцесса, связывающаяся по прямому телефону с небесами
Astarte Education website. http://tinyurl.com/mjmkxrz.
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King, Greg, and Penny Wilson. The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World’s Greatest Royal Mystery. Hoboken: Wiley, 2011.
Tucker, William O., Jr. «Jack & Anna: Remembering the Czar of Charlottesville Eccentrics.» The Hook, no. 627 (Jul 5, 2007).
Знаменитые предсмертные слова
Fraser, Antonia. Marie Antoinette: The Journey. London: Phoenix, 2001.
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Serfes, Archimandrite Nektarios, comp. «Murder of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth.» Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes personal website. http://tinyurl.com/mmauaao.
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